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with embellishments...and rain drops!

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Quick Quotes Blog

Operation Christmas Card - Snow Angels

Monday, October 31, 2011
This is the last card I created for OCC, used product from Prima - North Country Chipboard Sticker (has always been one of my favorites!). I used distress ink and also applied some Styrofoam pieces to make it looks like does it looks like? :) ...

Operation Christmas Card - Card + Frame

This card has two functions (sounds so technical I know, need to to get rid of my IT jargon - lol), one as a card (obviously) and the second as a picture frame! So you won't have to throw the card away or keep it aside after reading. :) ...

Operation Christmas Card - Winter Season

This card features a hidden message under the main displayed message, please take a look :) ...

Operation Christmas Card - Snowman

I joined this website called SpottedCanary awhile ago and they have this Operation Christmas Card (OCC) Challenge to make Christmas Cards for the troops stationed overseas. Actually today is the last day to submit the entry so I created four cards, the fourth card finished two days ago. I hope the cards will help to cheer up the person who received the card and at the same time I hope to win a package...

Jon's First Shoe

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Completed this layout yesterday and didn't have time to upload it. This is Jon having his first new shoe on! Well, he didn't quite enjoy wearing shoe though even now, he still can't take anything wrapping up his foots, including socks! This is bad especially in the winter when he can easily get sick for not keeping himself warm! Oh my boy! Let's take a look at the layout:...

Jon's 1st Bday - Part 4

Saturday, October 22, 2011
This is Jon's birthday layout, part 4! I used more than two pictures in a single layout this time, also I applied paper tearing technique, paper distressing, cutting (definitely, as you can see) and some other techniques. Those pictures were taken on Jon's Birthday, he took a nap in the noon and played with the balloon after he woke up. Also, he opened his first present! Let me know your opinion about...

Pumpkin Picking

Wow...It has been awhile since my last post, been busy with other stuffs, joined few different websites about bookscraping and keep my posting there most of the time thus delayed posting on my blog. Appreciate your patient and please bear with me, here are some of the latest to share with you: :) We went pumpkin picking a week ago (before the weather turned this chilly!) and we picked two big pumpkins...

October's Prima Product Palette

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Autumn Is Fun!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Picked this green-ish theme this time, autumn taste anyone?...

Complete Jon's 1st Bday - Part 2

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Here is the complete layout for the previous post, took long enough...been busy with my little one lately. Gosh I definitely could use more personal time for book scrapping... :-P My camera quality isn't that good...It was taken with my phone's camera but I guess next time I should use my handy cam, oh yea, it's much better. Most important it captures movement!! My phone sucks!! It provides other...

To Tease

Monday, October 3, 2011
Before I publish the entire layout for my next project, here is part of the layout: What do you think? I'll be back!! Pls stay tune... ...

1st Birthday - Part 1

Saturday, October 1, 2011
I've completed this part 1 project for Jon's past first birthday back in August 2011. It's referred as part 1 as I'm planning to create an album for it. I guess quite few more to to share with you the design...added some 3D effects to it this time and indeed it gives a different feeling to it. With 3D embellishments it slightly brings the picture / moment to live!! I painted the flowers...

Auto Post Signature

Auto Post  Signature